Organisation |
*Resource name |
Date |
Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD) |
Clinical images and the use of personal mobile devices: A guide for medical students and doctors |
No date |
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) |
2014 |
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACCRM) |
2012 |
Australian Medical Association (AMA) |
Clinical images and the use of personal mobile devices. A guide for medical students and doctors |
No date |
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation |
Guidelines for telehealth on-line video consultation funded through Medicare |
2013 |
Australian Practice Nursing Association |
Guidelines for Telehealth On-Line Video Consultation Funded Through Medicare |
2013 |
Australian Psychological Society |
2011 |
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
Jul 2015 |
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
27 Jul 2012 |
Dieticians Association of Australia |
2014 |
Medical Board of Australia |
Jan 2012 |
Medical Board of Australia |
Aug 2013 |
New South Wales Agency for Clinical Innovation |
Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW |
2015 |
New South Wales Agency for Clinical Innovation |
2014 |
Osteopathy Board of Australia |
Apr 2012 |
Podiatry Board of Australia |
Jun 2011 |
Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) |
2012 |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) |
2012 |
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Opthalmologists (RANZCO) |
Jun 2014 |
United General Practice Australia |
2013 |
United General Practice Australia |
Apr 2014 |
Victorian Department of Human Services |
Critical Success factors: how to establish a successful telehealth service |
2015 |
Victorian Department of Human Services |
Medico-legal aspects of telehealth services for Victorian Public health services |
2015 |
Western Australia Health Department |
2014 |
*To report any outdated links, please click here.