
*Resource name                 


Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD)

Clinical images and the use of personal mobile devices: A guide for medical students and doctors

No date

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM)

Guidelines for interprofessional collaboration between general practitioners and other medical specialists providing video consultations Emergency Medicine Appendix        


Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACCRM)

ACCRM telehealth guidelines


Australian Medical Association (AMA)

Clinical images and the use of personal mobile devices. A guide for medical students and doctors

No date

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

Guidelines for telehealth on-line video consultation funded through Medicare


Australian Practice Nursing Association

Guidelines for Telehealth On-Line Video Consultation Funded Through Medicare


Australian Psychological Society

Ethical guidelines for providing psychological services and products using the internet and telecommunications technologies


Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

Draft guidelines for health record keeping

Jul 2015
consultation on
updated guidelines

Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

Guidelines for patient records

27 Jul 2012

Dieticians Association of Australia

Telehealth / Technology-based Clinical Consultations


Medical Board of Australia

Guidelines: Technology-based patient consultations

Jan 2012

Medical Board of Australia

Inter-jurisdictional technology based patient consultations

Aug 2013

New South Wales Agency for Clinical Innovation

Guidelines for the use of Telehealth for Clinical and Non Clinical Settings in NSW


New South Wales Agency for Clinical Innovation

Telehealth Resource Package


Osteopathy Board of Australia

Guidelines on clinical records

Apr 2012

Podiatry Board of Australia

Guidelines on clinical records

Jun 2011

Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)

Telehealth guidelines and practical tips


Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)

RACS Telehealth - procedural guidance


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Opthalmologists (RANZCO)

Guidelines on Use of Clinical Photographs 

Jun 2014

United General Practice Australia

Guidelines for interprofessional collaboration between general practitioners and other medical specialists providing video consultations


United General Practice Australia

Implementation guidelines for video consultations in general practice - A telehealth initiative 3rd edition - Apr 2014

Apr 2014

Victorian Department of Human Services

Critical Success factors: how to establish a successful telehealth service


Victorian Department of Human Services

Medico-legal aspects of telehealth services for Victorian Public health services


Western Australia Health Department

Telehealth design: points to consider


*To report any outdated links, please click here.